Optimize Your Adsense Site


If you optimize your Adsense site before actually putting Adsense on your site, you already have most of your visitor problems solved.

If not, you need to keep reading.

If you've been using Google's AdSense on your web pages, you already recognize the need to generate additional website traffic, so you can reap the benifits that all AdSense publishers strive for. More HITS, that translate to a higher income.

Get back to basics when you optimize your Adsense site.

Short of using AdWords to promote your site, which we highly recommend, use some of the following SEO techinques to send more visitors to your web pages

Keep Your Page Source Code Simple.

A complex layout causes problems for AdSense and the search engines when they try to extract relevant keywords from your web site.

A complex source code, can cause the search engines to place ads on your website that are not relavent to the topic of your site. This obviously doesn't help your web traffic, or your income.

Keep Each Web Page About Only One Topic

When you are adding content to your website, make sure that you have each one of your web pages targeted to only one subject.

Your web pages will be indexed faster and more accurately. In addition, the AdSense ads that are placed on each page, will be specific and relevant to the subject of that page.

Keep Your Hyperlinks To A Minimum

Too many hyperlinks in an individual web page can also cause improper AdSense ad placement.

Make Your Title Keyword Specific

When you are targeting specific keywords in your article content, make sure that they are foremost in the title and in the first paragraph of the article. The keyword density in the article should be kept at about 2% if at all possible and the keyword should also be used in the ending paragraph or hyperlink.

Original Content Is Crucial

Always use compelling original content when writing articles on your web pages!

Duplicate content can get your website placed at the end of the line! If you can't write original content, find a ghostwriter to write some for you. The costs are very reasonable compared to the benefits you will see from well written, keyword rich, article content.

Stay away from software that "rewrites" public domain articles for republication on the Internet. These programs, regardless of how good they may seem, usually generate incomprehensible works that search engines may be attracted to, but repel human visitors.

Don't Use Too Many AdSense Ads

Try not to load up your web pages with too many AdSense ads. Your website is supposed to provide a solution, furnish helpful information, or other wise assist the visitors that do come to your site. You don't want your site to look like one big web page advertisement! Nothing turns off visitors more, than a website that looks like it's set up to take their money.

When you optimize your AdSense site properly, you and your visitors will reap the benefits!

To Get More Free Information About Google's AdSense, Click Here.


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