Should You Use SEO or PPC?


Should I use SEO or PPC to get traffic to my website?

The Internet can no longer be ignored as the "world's marketplace", as there are now millions, if not billions of consumers that can be tapped into, to conduct your business with.

The challenge of doing business on the Internet, is to get your website noticed through the maize of businesses that are all competing for your customers.

As competitive, congested, and challenging as it is; the Internet is by far the best place to do business.

When you learn the marketing strategies that expose your website to traffic, and make it more visible to potential customers; you will receive your share of the market.

There are two proven marketing strategies you can use to drive traffic to your website; SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay per click).


Researchers believe that over 70% of web surfers use Google, and other
search engines, to look for specific information and websites on the Internet.

SEO is a strategy that helps Internet users easily locate your website, in the top search engine results. It is a method to give your website visibility and stand out from the crowd.

  • SEO methods vary, but usually require that you construct your own site, and other interlinking sites, to draw internet links to your individual web site pages.
  • The process is called building an independent back linking network, or IBLN, where hundreds to thousands of pages are used to promote a client's main business website.
  • The SEO process is a long term strategy that requires at least six months to fully undertake.
  • The results are also long term, and when fully implemented will provide you with a steady flow of traffic.
  • SEO does not cost you anything but time, and when fully implemented, provides organic search results in the search engines.

PPC is an type of bidding advertising strategy, that places ads to your
website in prominent locations in the search engine results page.

PPCs are sponsored listings, that are visible whenever a visitor makes a web search. You are charged a small fee, that is determined by a type of keyword bidding process, every time the visitor actually clicks on one of your advertisements.

The highest bidder for the price per click, gets listed most prominently in the search engine results for that keyword.

Using PPC gives you some control over your advertising. You create your own ad, set up your own budget, specify the target market, and can make changes any time you feel that changes to your ads are necessary to improve sales.

Some guaranteed benefits of using PPC are noted below.
  • PPC is faster than SEO and is relatively easy to set up.
  • With PPC, the entire online community gets to see your advertisement, not just the people who click on your website URL.
  • Although PPC can get expensive, learning how to properly use PPC can minimize your cash outlay.
  • The Networks are now able to recognize fraudulent clicks and have protection from you getting billed exorbitant fees without receiving the expected return on your profits.
  • Your maximum allowable advertising budget can be set up for certain periods, and once it is met, your ads will no longer be displayed until your next scheduled budget period.
  • You can change or initiate new advertising campaigns whenever necessary, to keep up with changing market trends and demand.
Answering the question, should you use SEO or PPC, depends entirely on weather you're focused on the long term, or only have short term goals in mind for your business.

Both strategies work well when properly implemented.

Landing Pages - Tips For Success


Landing pages, also known as "squeeze pages" or "lead capture pages" are essential to building your mailing list.

Landing pages provide an easy to manage method of funneling all your potential subscribers through a single web page.

The best thing about using landing pages, or squeeze pages, is that you only need to perform the work of setting up the site once. You can then focus all your traffic driving efforts into a single effective method or strategy.

These tips for success, will help you create effective landing pages, that will convert a large percentage of your visitors, into subscribers.

  • Offer something for FREE in exchange for your visitor's email address.
You can offer a free special report, a sample of your paid product, a free ebook, newsletter, instructional video set, or anything else in exchange for your visitor's name and email address.
  • Make sure your landing page is professionally written.
Treat your landing page as you would a sales letter. Although you are not trying to get someone to purchase your product or service up front, you should still write your sales letter as if you were.

Getting visitors to release their personal details to you, is just as important as writing a hard sell sales letter on your product, and trying to entice visitors to purchase from you.
  • Your landing page should only link to your opt in form or, a disclaimer and terms page.
  • Stress the benefits of your free offering.
The sole focus of your sales letter, should be to encourage your visitors to download your free offer.

You can later gently remind your potential client, that they have nothing to pay for. They simply subscribe to your newsletter in order to receive their free offering.

  • It's a good idea, and a nice touch, to include your photo, or just a hand written signature to personalize your sales letter.
You can also build trust with your potential customer, by explaining what you're about, and how you can help them with your free offering.

When you use these tips for success on your landing pages, you should realize a higher rate of subscriber conversions.

Learn more about list building here.

The Importance of Writing Good Website Content


One of the first, and most important items that visitors see when they land on your website, is your website content.

The content of your website can quickly make, or break your business. Therefore it's important to always provide well written content if you hope to make your business website a success.

Persuasive and compelling sales copy, is also extremely important in motivating your visitors to purchase the products or services that are available on your website.

The importance of writing good website content and compelling sales copy, cannot be over emphasized, especially when the sole purpose of your business website, is to sell your product or service.

Effective, well written sales copy should do at a minimum, three things.

  • Accurately describe your product or service.
  • Stress the importance and need for your product or service .
  • Compel your visitors to purchase your product or service, with a solid call to action.
Someone experienced at writing good website content, and sales copy; can effectively promote your product or service, without being overtly blatant.

To do this effectively, it takes a great deal of skill, practice, and experience.

Short of learning how to write good website content on your own, it may be a good idea to hire a professional sales copywriter, skilled in internet marketing.

An inexperienced amateur writer, without any training or internet marketing experience, that tries to write good sales copy; is not likely to produce any meaningful results.

A professional sales copywriter will sell your products much more effectively.

Writing good website content will directly impact your search engine ranking for your site.

This is extremely important because your search engine ranking, directly influences the size of your audience.

And, the size of your audience, directly affects the amount of sales you can expect to generate, which in turn affects your bottom line.

People on the Internet expect immediate results, when they input queries into the search engines.

The search engines, use their spiders to sort and classify web sites and web pages, in order to provide accurate, relevant information for the Internet search inquiries.

The importance of writing good website content for the search engine robots, as well as the humans searching for their specific information, cannot be overstated.

Writing for SEO to improve your website's search engine ranking is an art.

Targeted keywords, relevant to your website, and each individual web page topic, must be artfully inserted into the website content, so that both the search engines and humans can understand what is written.

When optimized properly with you relevant keywords, your website should rank on the first page of the search engine results.

Websites containing content which has been optimized for particular keywords will likely rank well with search engines

Business owners understand that Internet users usually only visit websites that show on the first couple of pages in the search engine results.

The importance of writing good website content is obviously critical to the quality and amount of website traffic you receive.

Free PLR Articles Are Not Always the Best Articles to Use!


There are some good reasons why free PLR articles are not always the best to use for rewriting your article content.

Most of us get to the point where it becomes necessary to find fresh ideas to write about. Our "idea bin" dries up after a while.

Although free PLR articles are not always the best to use, the price is right!

The main drawback to using these articles, is that everyone else on the Internet is also using the same Free PLR articles to use in their websites.

An article can be rewritten just so many times, before it becomes redundant and is flagged by the search engines, as duplicate content.

Here are a few reasons why free PLR articles are not always the best articles to use.

  • Free isn't always better.
Let's face it, like almost everything else in life; you get what you pay for.

Getting something for free, doesn't necessarily mean it has any value or appeal.

For the most part, many of the Free PLR articles out there, are authored by uneducated writers that are unable to generate a quality product.

It hurts your business in the long run using these articles.
  • Purchasing Quality Is Relatively Inexpensive
With the number of good ghost writers that are now available on the Internet, it's extremely easy to access quality PLR articles, or have them written for you at a reasonable cost.

A Google search can provide you with a plethora of information in this regard.

There are membership websites you can join, that crank out quality, targeted, PLR articles, that average under $.50 each for a 400 to 500 word article.

With a little more research, you can probably find a price even lower.
  • Targeted Converting Articles
Free PLR articles are not always the best to use, if you need targeted content to a specific niche.

With paid PLR articles, you can have your articles to specifically convert your website visitors into buyers, by niche specific producers.

Your conversion rates, will dramatically increase, when using PLR articles that target your niche visitors in this manner.

Free PLR articles are normally much more general in their content.
  • Time Savings
Weather you use free PLR articles, or paid PLR articles; they can be used "as is", or slightly rewritten to save you a great deal of time populating your website.

By changing the sentence structure, and a few words in the article, each time you rewrite your free PLR article; you can easily dominate a wide range of keywords in your niche without wasting a lot of time doing it.

You can learn how to make PLR articles unique here.


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