Email Marketing: Using Other Bloggers As A Source Of Email Subscribers


Using other bloggers as a source of email subscribers is a great email marketing technique, that is used on a regular basis by many newcomers and marketing "gurus".

Generally there are three methods that are used extensively with a great deal of success.

  • Reviews
When other bloggers review your videos, ebook or software download, or some other incentive you provide, which includes the URL link to your squeeze page, or sign up page.

Their readers read their review, and will click your link to get your video, ebook, or software download. And, in order to receive your product, they must opt in to your list.

This method works best when generous incentives are freely provided, and a persuasive "call to action" is made to the viewers.

  • Guest Posting
Many email marketers build their lists by offering to "guest post" on other blogs that are related to their market niche.

Most bloggers will jump at the suggestion because they receive free useful content which is always in demand.

When you provide your guest blog post, mention your newsletter in your attribution line along with a link to your sign up page. Use something like "For more tips like this sign up to .....".

The traffic and subscriptions you receive using this email marketing tactic are laser targeted to your topic. These people are also more inclined to purchase your product or service because they have already signed up to your list.

  • Linking
Focus your newsletters or incentives around a specific topic that bloggers will discuss and link to.

Include a sign up link in your newsletters and your opt in form for your free ebook, videos, or other software downloads you are offering to your subscribers.

Using other bloggers as a source of email subscribers works if you spend some time and effort doing it properly.

Learn More About Getting Started With Email Marketing Here.

Image Optimization: Reduce Your Load Time Through Image Optimization


Image optimization is something we sometimes miss when creating our websites.

We take for granted and sometimes assume that everyone on the Internet has access to fast connections.

Although more Internet users move over to the faster broadband connections every year, a large portion of the Internet population still relies on slower dial-up connections.

Therefore, it's not a good idea to count them out of the equation when designing your website.

One major consideration we must make for users who have dial-up connections, is the time it takes to load your website.

An all text website will generally load in a very short time; even with the slower dial-up connections.

The usual problem with slow loading websites, is with any large images that may be on your website.

It's important to strike a balance between using the right amount, and type of images, to attract your visitors; and not killing the overall load time of your website.

You can also reduce your load time through image optimization. You can optimize every image on your web site to ensure that they load in the shortest amount of time.

This can be done by using image editing software to reduce the file size of your image, without affecting the appearance of your image. Editing software can also be used to remove any unnecessary information from your images.

When you save an image as a JPEG file in Photoshop, you can choose the qulity of the JPEG. Usually an 8 or 9 setting is satisfactory to preserve the image quality in a small sized file.

For image optimization, there are many free software programs online for image compression that you can use to reduce the file size.

You can also save your images in PNG format, to obtain the best quality, with the smallest sized file or in GIF format.

The image editing software removes all the color information not used in your image, thereby giving you the smallest possible file size.

The only problem with GIF format, is that the image quality is sometimes compromised.

Click Here, for more information on website usability.

Reluctant Entrepreneurs - Are Reluctant Entrepreneurs Here To Stay?


The current anti-business bias in our society, has produced an economy with a huge number of reluctant entrepreneurs who are just learning how to start their own Internet businesses.

Are these reluctant entrepreneurs here to stay? No one can tell for sure at this early stage, however the odds are that the economy will continue to create a new generation of reluctant entrepreneurs for the near future.

Many of these new reluctant entrepreneurs are starting their businesses online because of layoffs, or their inability of acquiring decent jobs in their chosen fields.

In order to survive, this new class of entrepreneur who was once happy working for a weekly paycheck and paid company medical benefits, is now relegated to working for themselves creating businesses from ground zero.

It's tough demanding work and for someone not ever intending to start a business; the challenges can be overpowering.

If you happen to fall into the reluctant entrepreneurs category and need some assistance to get you moving; here are some tips to encourage you.

  • Before you start anything online, be sure to create a plan of action and change it frequently when necessary.
Blueprints or business plans are an excellent way to keep you focused on what you need to accomplish.

It will pay you to remember that the only constant in any business, is change. Nothing goes on forever and no business blueprint is perfect the first time around.

It's called a plan for good reason. You need to review your plan regularly and update it when needed.

Just because you were forced into being one of those reluctant entrepreneurs and created your business out of necessity; it doesn’t mean you'll fail or have an impossible time succeeding.

  • If you enjoyed what you were doing before, there is no reason not to continue doing it online in some form.
The only difference is that you will now be responsible for managing, marketing, cash flow, collections, customer service, etc. which is probably why reluctant entrepreneurs never bothered started their own business in the first place.

  • Your success as an entrepreneur can be measured by the number of contacts you have.
You need to learn techniques and strategies to generate your own business.

Having contacts from your prior business helps enormously. Calling your old work buddies and even your boss for help works.

Do anything and everything to drum up business and get involved with any networking groups or events that could extend your customer base.

Set yourself up with online social media sites like Facebook, and Twitter. Extend your reach of friends and associates to grow your network.

  • If you have no prior selling background, learn to be persistent with potential clients and don't take rejection personally.
When a client says no, keep trying. Be like the little engine that said it could.

Successful entrepreneurs, reluctant or not, are persistent, and never let a negative contact stop them from trying again.

Remember, reluctant entrepreneurs who are passionate and love what they do, will always find a way to make their businesses succeed.

You can find additional on information on Internet marketing and starting an Internet business as an entrepreneur here.

How Much Money Can You Earn With AdSense?


Google does not disclose exactly how much money you can earn with Adsense per ad that is clicked.

The commission that you actually receive per click, depends entirely on how much the advertisers are paying Google for their particular advertisement. Whatever the advertising amount is, you will receive a share of it.

I have heard of earnings that range from as low as 5 cents per click, to almost $20. per click.

Highly competitive keywords, that are searched for more frequently on the Internet; such as employment, make money, sex, mp3, credit repair, etc. will usually earn you more per click.

This is because Google's advertisers pay more for these popular search terms.

You can log into your Google account at any time to check the total amount of revenue generated for that day, week, month, or year, even though Google will not reveal how much you earn from each ad that is clicked from your site.

You can determine from your daily earnings and the number of clicks made, an average cost per click, or click thru commission for that particular day, but that's as detailed as Google's statistics get.

Although you can calculate your average CPC, you still will not be able to tell how much each particular ad actually earned.

How much money can you earn from Adsense depends on how much targeted traffic you receive on your site, how well Google's Adsense ad matches your audience's interest, the proper placement of the ad on your pages, and the amount of money you receive per click.

If you create a site on a topic you are interested in and know a lot about; you will find it much easier to create a substantial amount of content on the subject. Just make sure your topic is something of interest to a large number of readers or your clicks will suffer.

How much money can you earn with Adsense? As much as you like!


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