Internet Business Marketing Solutions: Using email marketing to attract repeat visitors


One of the most important Internet business marketing solutions that new webmasters must master is using email marketing to attract repeat visitors to your website.

Getting lots of traffic to your new website is great, but if you aren't collecting any contact information from your visitors, you're definitely not taking advantage of every click that you're getting.

When visitors leave your site without purchasing your product or service; there's an excellent chance you will never see them again. And without getting their contact information, you have absolutely no way of following up with them after they click out of your site.

It's important to remember that it can take up to seven visits or contacts in order to make a single sale.

From the first day you publish your website; you should be using email marketing to attract repeat visitors.

Use an opt in form in a prominent position on the main page of your website to collect visitor information.

Following up with your visitors requires some reason to send them an email. Here are a few that are commonly used by email marketers.

  • Free reports on topics targeted to your market niche
  • Monthly or bi weekly newsletters that are loaded with helpful information and tips.
  • Complimentary products similar to what you may have already offered your visitors.
  • Free product trials that provide potential customers with a taste of what they can expect from your product or service.
  • Ebooks or articles in that answer questions about your product.
  • A lesser priced product or a product with fewer "bells and whistles" that your main product.
  • Free software packages with fewer options than your main product.
All these ideas work well to collect visitor information when presented properly.

Once your visitor signs up to your offer, following up with them is quick and easy with email management and automation software.

Using this software, create an autoresponder series of follow up emails that your potential customers will automatically receive once they opt in to your site.

Doing this properly takes time, but once it is accomplished your visitors will start hearing from you on a regular basis about your products or services and the selling process is basically put on autopilot.

Once your visitors opt in to your site, they will immediately begin to hear from you without you having to endure the stress of writing a ton of emails to each individual customer.

Sites like Icontact and AWeber provide cheap reliable autoresponder services that will make your email marketing a breeze.

Using email marketing to attract repeat visitors to your website, is one of the easiest Internet business marketing solutions to implement.
Just getting started with email marketing? Learn some free email marketing tactics here.


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