Unique Content: The Real Benefits Of Unique Content


One of the real benefits of unique content in writing articles, is with the search engines, and the ongoing problem of duplicate content.

Google and the other search engines have become increasingly adept at ferreting out duplicate article content, thereby making the writing of unique articles more important than it has been in the past.

To determine the real benefits of unique content, you need to know why you do what you do.

Why do you write your articles?

If you are an article marketer, you are probably writing your articles for the same reason as most of us. To have people read your article, disseminate it, and click on your website link to visit. Hopefully, visitors will then purchase your products or services.

You probably write your articles to generate traffic and to develop a readership. You are trying to get readers to your website.

And, in order to attract more and more visitors to your website, you will probably generate more and more unique content. Generally, the more unique article content you produce, the more website visitors you will attract.

But, do you get the most traffic from the articles that you write?

Do you get at least 5 to 15 daily visitors from each article?

The reason for the question is to make a point.

Usually 8 to 10 well written articles will generate about 100 to 150 visitors a day. This is good traffic, but what if you could generate another 100 to 150 visitors a day? How would you go about the business of attracting them?

Unique Content.

One of the real benefits of unique content in writing articles, is that once seen; people will come back to read more of them. They attract readers like bees to nectar flowers.

Internet users don't want to read the same information over and over again, and the search engines do their best to prevent it from happening.

To keep your readers interest in your content, you must provide content that is always user friendly to read, informative, clear, concise, and most of all unique!

Write in a clear conversational tone towards your readers!

Learn how to make optimistic, eye catching introductions, using jargon or technical terms that highlight the positive reasons, why and how your readers will benefit from reading your article.

Discuss in detail specific aspects of your article that may need additional clarification with your readers. Use hypertext links in your themes to help users, or to get users easily to your website.

Remember that the real benefits of unique content in writing articles is to your bottom line, and that writing original content is king in terms of all article marketing.


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