Press Releases: The Elements To Include In Your Press Release


Press Releases can get massive amounts of traffic to your website and gain you notoriety both on and off the Internet.

Press releases work, but the elements to include in your press release are the key to how effective it will be, and how many doors it can open for you.

All press releases should include a Title, Subhead, Body, Contact Information, and Keywords.

Do some keyword research using or any other tool, to find what people in your niche market are looking for. See what they are buying and insert the most popular keywords into your original title.

  • Your press release title, should be keyword rich in the specific niche market you are in. You should aim to have the first five words in your title, keyword optimized for your press release.
You can always borrow one of those proven "direct response" titles, and modify it to suit your needs, if you have trouble coming up with a great title on your own.
  • Your subhead should also be keyword rich. You can repeat some of the main keywords that you put in the title, only spell out a little more information using no more than three sentences.
This is basically the summary, for what your press release is going to be all about.
  • Write your body like a great story; you have to make your readers want to read the body of your press release.
The length of your press release is irrelevant, but make sure to add keywords, or keyword phrases to help with optimization. Load it up, and mention your keyword or keyword phrases at least 5 or 8 times in your body.

As a rough guide, press releases should stay between 100 to 500 words.

Although some PR services will accept more words than that, it's better to say everything you need to say to get the media interested, with fewer words. Remember that the media read a lot of press releases on a daily basis.

Include what you would expect to find in your daily newspaper, in the body of your press release and you will do just fine.

Don't try to sell the news media, tell them a story and speak to them.

Don't turn your press release into an advertisement.

The idea is to make the media curious, not to sell them on anything. You want to make them WANT to visit your website to grab some more information. Once you get them there, you can then sell your product or service.

The worst thing you can do when writing your press release is to turn it into PR spam!

Write it in the third person, and never use words like; You can make money. Instead use; One can make money.... Your press release should be written like a newsworthy event, not an advertisement.

Be proud of yourself, quote yourself as an expert in your niche. Be the expert you are. Quote other people and write as if you are a reporter collecting information from a reliable source.

Don't forget to add your website URL if you can; it is relevant to your press release, and should be added to the body.

  • Select 5-10 keywords that include the ones you used in your PR content. These will help you get listed with SEO and will bring you some targeted traffic.
  • Your contact information should be your website, or a phone number where you can be easily contacted by a media outlet.
When you use all of these elements in your press releases, you can expect to see a surge of traffic to your website.
Learn More About Press Releases Here.

Squeeze Pages - How They Work and What They Are


Squeeze pages are used to extract the names and email addresses from visitors to your website, that are interested in joining your mailing list.

In order for people to join your mailing list, you need to give them a good reason; preferably some sort of valuable incentive.

Since people normally do not want to give out their email addresses; you must give them something that makes them want to take this action, preferably immediately.

Giving them a short .pdf report, free tools, or an ebook with some really good valuable information, or a series of free autoresponder messages that contain some solid, valuable information, is a great way to extract this information.

The way you actually get your website visitor's email address, before they can access your free report, or your free autoresponder messages, is through this "squeeze page" process.

The squeeze page is a specialized webpage, that when a person lands on, is given only two options to leave.

Both options are specific actions; usually to join your mailing list, or to just close the webpage and leave to continue browsing other websites.

Once the decision to leave the squeeze page is made; they cannot access your free information.

This is why squeeze pages are so effective in obtaining visitors names and email information.

Either they provide you with their first name and email information to get access to your free offerings, or they close the page and lose the chance to access your free report or ebook.

This is how the term "Squeeze" came about.

What your squeeze page looks like depends on your creativity and your target market.

Even though your visitor clicked on the link to get your free offering, you must still get them to give you their information.

If your squeeze page is not persuasive enough to get your visitor's information, your visitors can stop at this point and you will lose out on a potential customer.

Your squeeze pages must be persuasive and carefully designed in order to be effective.

Effective Internet marketers use templates with time honored headlines, designed to keep your visitors excited enough to continue through the entire opt in process, and increase your visitor opt in rate.

Best Market Niches For Internet Sales


Although anything can be marketed over the Internet, the best market niches for Internet sales are those that lend themselves to providing high perceived value, and quick delivery.

Some products are more suited to Internet sales than others, and newcomers trying to augment their incomes from their homes, find that the best market niches, with the fastest return for their efforts, are those connected with affiliate products.

Focus on the products and services where the perceived value can be manipulated, so that the demand remains constant, or even increases during tough economic times.

Affiliate products also lend nicely to Internet sales, and are tailor made for entrepreneurs starting out with a little to no available cash budget.

You can effectively promote an affiliate product without needing a website, blog, or any presence on the web; just by using some tried and true marketing techniques.

Affiliate products that provide high quality, with a low cost, and quick delivery; are the best market niches for Internet sales, especially during economic downturns like we are now experiencing.

Remember that for the next few years, providing a high value product and quick delivery, are key strategies for success.

You can learn more about how to effectively promote affiliate products, and find the best market niches for Internet sales here.

A Cumbersome Buying Process Will Cost You Money


Convincing a prospect to buy from you is difficult enough, but a cumbersome buying process will cost you money you can't afford to lose.

Making your buying process simple, and easy to follow, is something many webmasters tend to overlook when constructing their websites.

Regardless of how good you are at convincing your prospects to purchase your products; think about how difficult the buying process becomes for both parties, when your prospect is ready to buy, but doesn't because they get turned off by a cumbersome buying process.

Here are a few suggestions you might consider addressing.

  • Make sure people can easily find your order form. Don't make it a hassle to get to the order.
Write a paragraph that is as clear and concise as possible, to direct potential buyers to your order form.
  • To further minimize the chances of them getting lost, you can place a prominent link to your order page from every page on your website. This should virtually eliminate the chances of you losing your prospects.
  • Offer multiple payment options to your potential customers.
Some people are used to making payments with PayPal. Others prefer using their credit cards, and some people still like using checks for payment.

The more payment options you provide to your potential customers, the better your chances are of finalizing the sale.

The best option would be to cover every payment method possible to ensure all your clients are easily serviced.

There's no point in making a "hard sell" to a potential customer only to discover that they can't pay the way they want.
  • Your credibility as a merchant can be enhanced, if you provide secure encryption technology on your order form for your clients.
  • You can also make people feel more confident buying from you, by offering them an iron clad, money back guarantee on their purchases.
  • Offer your clients superior sales support. Provide a contact email for them to use, if they encounter problems during the buying process, or after purchasing your product or service.
  • Streamline the buying process as much as possible for your clients, and make sure your contact information is easy to find on all your web pages.
Remember that unless your client has purchased from you in the past, you are a complete stranger to them. You are just another individual on the Internet to your client, so do everything possible to boost your prospect's confidence and make them feel safe about buying from you.

Additional testimonials, clear contact information, a good address, phone number, etc. will all help to ease any doubts in the minds of your clients when they are prepared to buy.

Remember that a cumbersome buying process will cost you money in lost business, from confused clients!

Learn More About Why People Don't Buy Here.

Should You Use SEO or PPC?


Should I use SEO or PPC to get traffic to my website?

The Internet can no longer be ignored as the "world's marketplace", as there are now millions, if not billions of consumers that can be tapped into, to conduct your business with.

The challenge of doing business on the Internet, is to get your website noticed through the maize of businesses that are all competing for your customers.

As competitive, congested, and challenging as it is; the Internet is by far the best place to do business.

When you learn the marketing strategies that expose your website to traffic, and make it more visible to potential customers; you will receive your share of the market.

There are two proven marketing strategies you can use to drive traffic to your website; SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay per click).


Researchers believe that over 70% of web surfers use Google, and other
search engines, to look for specific information and websites on the Internet.

SEO is a strategy that helps Internet users easily locate your website, in the top search engine results. It is a method to give your website visibility and stand out from the crowd.

  • SEO methods vary, but usually require that you construct your own site, and other interlinking sites, to draw internet links to your individual web site pages.
  • The process is called building an independent back linking network, or IBLN, where hundreds to thousands of pages are used to promote a client's main business website.
  • The SEO process is a long term strategy that requires at least six months to fully undertake.
  • The results are also long term, and when fully implemented will provide you with a steady flow of traffic.
  • SEO does not cost you anything but time, and when fully implemented, provides organic search results in the search engines.

PPC is an type of bidding advertising strategy, that places ads to your
website in prominent locations in the search engine results page.

PPCs are sponsored listings, that are visible whenever a visitor makes a web search. You are charged a small fee, that is determined by a type of keyword bidding process, every time the visitor actually clicks on one of your advertisements.

The highest bidder for the price per click, gets listed most prominently in the search engine results for that keyword.

Using PPC gives you some control over your advertising. You create your own ad, set up your own budget, specify the target market, and can make changes any time you feel that changes to your ads are necessary to improve sales.

Some guaranteed benefits of using PPC are noted below.
  • PPC is faster than SEO and is relatively easy to set up.
  • With PPC, the entire online community gets to see your advertisement, not just the people who click on your website URL.
  • Although PPC can get expensive, learning how to properly use PPC can minimize your cash outlay.
  • The Networks are now able to recognize fraudulent clicks and have protection from you getting billed exorbitant fees without receiving the expected return on your profits.
  • Your maximum allowable advertising budget can be set up for certain periods, and once it is met, your ads will no longer be displayed until your next scheduled budget period.
  • You can change or initiate new advertising campaigns whenever necessary, to keep up with changing market trends and demand.
Answering the question, should you use SEO or PPC, depends entirely on weather you're focused on the long term, or only have short term goals in mind for your business.

Both strategies work well when properly implemented.

Landing Pages - Tips For Success


Landing pages, also known as "squeeze pages" or "lead capture pages" are essential to building your mailing list.

Landing pages provide an easy to manage method of funneling all your potential subscribers through a single web page.

The best thing about using landing pages, or squeeze pages, is that you only need to perform the work of setting up the site once. You can then focus all your traffic driving efforts into a single effective method or strategy.

These tips for success, will help you create effective landing pages, that will convert a large percentage of your visitors, into subscribers.

  • Offer something for FREE in exchange for your visitor's email address.
You can offer a free special report, a sample of your paid product, a free ebook, newsletter, instructional video set, or anything else in exchange for your visitor's name and email address.
  • Make sure your landing page is professionally written.
Treat your landing page as you would a sales letter. Although you are not trying to get someone to purchase your product or service up front, you should still write your sales letter as if you were.

Getting visitors to release their personal details to you, is just as important as writing a hard sell sales letter on your product, and trying to entice visitors to purchase from you.
  • Your landing page should only link to your opt in form or, a disclaimer and terms page.
  • Stress the benefits of your free offering.
The sole focus of your sales letter, should be to encourage your visitors to download your free offer.

You can later gently remind your potential client, that they have nothing to pay for. They simply subscribe to your newsletter in order to receive their free offering.

  • It's a good idea, and a nice touch, to include your photo, or just a hand written signature to personalize your sales letter.
You can also build trust with your potential customer, by explaining what you're about, and how you can help them with your free offering.

When you use these tips for success on your landing pages, you should realize a higher rate of subscriber conversions.

Learn more about list building here.

The Importance of Writing Good Website Content


One of the first, and most important items that visitors see when they land on your website, is your website content.

The content of your website can quickly make, or break your business. Therefore it's important to always provide well written content if you hope to make your business website a success.

Persuasive and compelling sales copy, is also extremely important in motivating your visitors to purchase the products or services that are available on your website.

The importance of writing good website content and compelling sales copy, cannot be over emphasized, especially when the sole purpose of your business website, is to sell your product or service.

Effective, well written sales copy should do at a minimum, three things.

  • Accurately describe your product or service.
  • Stress the importance and need for your product or service .
  • Compel your visitors to purchase your product or service, with a solid call to action.
Someone experienced at writing good website content, and sales copy; can effectively promote your product or service, without being overtly blatant.

To do this effectively, it takes a great deal of skill, practice, and experience.

Short of learning how to write good website content on your own, it may be a good idea to hire a professional sales copywriter, skilled in internet marketing.

An inexperienced amateur writer, without any training or internet marketing experience, that tries to write good sales copy; is not likely to produce any meaningful results.

A professional sales copywriter will sell your products much more effectively.

Writing good website content will directly impact your search engine ranking for your site.

This is extremely important because your search engine ranking, directly influences the size of your audience.

And, the size of your audience, directly affects the amount of sales you can expect to generate, which in turn affects your bottom line.

People on the Internet expect immediate results, when they input queries into the search engines.

The search engines, use their spiders to sort and classify web sites and web pages, in order to provide accurate, relevant information for the Internet search inquiries.

The importance of writing good website content for the search engine robots, as well as the humans searching for their specific information, cannot be overstated.

Writing for SEO to improve your website's search engine ranking is an art.

Targeted keywords, relevant to your website, and each individual web page topic, must be artfully inserted into the website content, so that both the search engines and humans can understand what is written.

When optimized properly with you relevant keywords, your website should rank on the first page of the search engine results.

Websites containing content which has been optimized for particular keywords will likely rank well with search engines

Business owners understand that Internet users usually only visit websites that show on the first couple of pages in the search engine results.

The importance of writing good website content is obviously critical to the quality and amount of website traffic you receive.

Free PLR Articles Are Not Always the Best Articles to Use!


There are some good reasons why free PLR articles are not always the best to use for rewriting your article content.

Most of us get to the point where it becomes necessary to find fresh ideas to write about. Our "idea bin" dries up after a while.

Although free PLR articles are not always the best to use, the price is right!

The main drawback to using these articles, is that everyone else on the Internet is also using the same Free PLR articles to use in their websites.

An article can be rewritten just so many times, before it becomes redundant and is flagged by the search engines, as duplicate content.

Here are a few reasons why free PLR articles are not always the best articles to use.

  • Free isn't always better.
Let's face it, like almost everything else in life; you get what you pay for.

Getting something for free, doesn't necessarily mean it has any value or appeal.

For the most part, many of the Free PLR articles out there, are authored by uneducated writers that are unable to generate a quality product.

It hurts your business in the long run using these articles.
  • Purchasing Quality Is Relatively Inexpensive
With the number of good ghost writers that are now available on the Internet, it's extremely easy to access quality PLR articles, or have them written for you at a reasonable cost.

A Google search can provide you with a plethora of information in this regard.

There are membership websites you can join, that crank out quality, targeted, PLR articles, that average under $.50 each for a 400 to 500 word article.

With a little more research, you can probably find a price even lower.
  • Targeted Converting Articles
Free PLR articles are not always the best to use, if you need targeted content to a specific niche.

With paid PLR articles, you can have your articles to specifically convert your website visitors into buyers, by niche specific producers.

Your conversion rates, will dramatically increase, when using PLR articles that target your niche visitors in this manner.

Free PLR articles are normally much more general in their content.
  • Time Savings
Weather you use free PLR articles, or paid PLR articles; they can be used "as is", or slightly rewritten to save you a great deal of time populating your website.

By changing the sentence structure, and a few words in the article, each time you rewrite your free PLR article; you can easily dominate a wide range of keywords in your niche without wasting a lot of time doing it.

You can learn how to make PLR articles unique here.

Digsby Makes Brand Management Easy


Digsby makes brand management easy to work with, and simple to use.

Digsby is a social media site, that recently partnered up with MySpace, and OneRiot.

It's a free download, that allows you to manage Instant Messaging, all your social media sites, and all your email accounts, in one easy to use platform.

You can chat with all your friends, and check all your emails without having to go to your inbox. It's definitely a time saver!

Digsby makes brand management easy, by allowing you to keep track of your social networks right from your desktop.

You can update your status to everyone, everywhere, at the same time with this application. It really gives new meaning to the word, multitasking!

I generally don't go bonkers over an application like this, but for me, the time saving aspects alone make the application worth using.

The company that produced Digsby, dotSyntax; announced its new partnership with OneRiot, and Myspace only one day after Facebook announced its purchase of FriendFeed.

If you follow these sort of mergers and acquisitions, it's interesting that Digsby hooked up with MySpace, instead of Facebook.

On an average, Facebook has almost twice the amount of unique visitors that MySpace has.

In any event, its apparent that Digsby makes brand management easy!

Home Based Internet Marketing Tools


Internet marketing tools dramatically impact your online web traffic, leads and bottom line sales.

As internet marketing becomes more and more profitable, new internet marketing tools are being developed every day to increase productivity.

Your online marketing success, can entirely depend on your discovering, and exploiting these new Internet marketing tools before anyone else.

It's vital to stay on top of what's happening with new Internet marketing tools, if you plan to remain competitive in this cut throat business.

Your livelihood depends on you being able to stay ahead of all the new methods of marketing on the web.

Here are some Internet marketing tools you might find
useful in your marketing efforts.

  • Add This Button
You can readily tap into the social media frenzy, and grab a lot of website traffic, by simply adding an Addthis button to your web pages, and letting your visitors bookmark your content for you.

This button is free, easy to use, and best of all, it's incredibly effective. Go to and have a go at it!
  • Real Link Finder
You can increase your link popularity, and search engine rankings using "RealLinkFinder".

This link-building tool allows you to find targeted blogs without the "no follow" attribute tag. This means that your links will count in all the search engines.

RealLinkFinder is a neat way to build targeted links relevant to the keywords and keyword phrases found in your website. This is definitely one tool you should try out. It's free and located at
  • Become An Expert Marketer
Once you gain credibility and become recognized as an expert; your marketing efforts will become much easier.

When you gain recognition as an expert in your market niche, on the internet or on the street, your selling efforts naturally become more productive.

Ezine articles, Ideamarketers, SelfGrowth, and other sites like these, are excellent for self promotion and getting yourself noticed. The more articles you produce, the greater your notoriety.
  • Peel Away Ads
Peel Away Ads is a software program that puts simple ads at the corner of your webpages.

When your cursor moves over the vibrating image, the page peels away showing your advertisement. The peel away, looks like turning the pages of a book.

Unlike pop ups, it's not as intrusive to the viewer, and it works. It's not free, but you can check it out at

You need to remember that there is no single Internet marketing tool that will do 100 % of the job.

You need an arsenal of Internet marketing tools working in concert with each other to be the most effective marketer out there so, why not try some out on your own?

eBay Selling Tips To Know


Here are some eBay selling tips to try, if you're looking for an easy, uncomplicated way to make some money.

  • Take the time to create a good "about me" page.
About me pages are optional for eBay sellers, however there are some benefits to having one.

Most eBay buyers look at a seller's feedback rating before bidding on any of their items. This is done to eliminate the possibility of being scammed by an unscrupulous seller.

If you are new to eBay selling, an "about me" page telling potential buyers something about yourself, can offset the fact that you have little to no reputation built up, as a good seller.

A buyer will feel safer purchasing from a new seller, when they can read a little bit about who they are buying from. An "About Me" page tends to build your eBay reputation with the buyer.

  • Make sure your item is being sold at a fair price.
You don't want to scare off potential buyers by setting an unrealistic starting price on your auctions, or set high "buy it now" item prices.

The idea is to make a decent profit, not to retire on one sale!

You have a better chance of selling your item if your prices are reasonable.

  • Another eBay selling tip that is often neglected, is to be accurate with all of your item descriptions.
If you are selling a lot of ancient Roman coins, for example; you could break them down into specific Emperor's Reigns, type, metal, condition, and time period, in order to attract a better response.

If you take the time to provide an accurate detailed description of all of your items, your chances of selling them will definitely increase.

  • Another eBay selling tip to remember, is to upload detailed pictures of the items you are listing.
Buyers love visuals, and most eBay buyers will not even consider bidding on an item without a picture along with the item description.

eBay allows one free picture, and charges for each additional picture posted.

This can run you into some money if you're not careful, however you can work around these fees.

  • An eBay selling tip many savvy members use, is the use of free photo sharing websites for their pictures.
  • Make sure your pictures are close ups and well defined.
Poor quality pictures, or not having any pictures at all, is the reason many eBay items go unsold.

  • Another final eBay selling tip to consider, is to make your method of payment as easy as possible for the buyer.
Although PayPal is the most popular payment method on eBay, and many other websites; checks and money orders should also be accepted.

PayPal enables shoppers to buy items, without having to disclose their account numbers.

This, along with the built in security, and guarantees, is the reason for PayPal's popularity with the majority of eBay buyers.

If you start using the eBay sellers tips given above, you should see an increase in your sales almost immediately.

Wordpress - Makes You Money Online


Internet marketers are always looking for easier, faster, and cheaper ways to make money online.

The less money you spend making money, the more money you can stash away for yourself.

One of the best, free, money making software products you probably have already heard about, and may even be using, is WordPress.

Wordpress is the perfect money making website platform.

It doesn't matter if you're a novice, or an expert in coding; with Wordpress, you can easily create great looking, informative, profitable websites.

Let's face it, less money ends up in your pocket when you have to spend more money, to make money. This platform is free for the asking.

With Wordpress, anybody can create a profit pulling website quickly and easily.

Membership sites, authority sites, AdSense sites, or review sites can be easily created, and with over 2,000 plugins available, not to mention the thousands of themes created specifically for Wordpress, you can have a profitable website ready in an afternoon.

Configuring Wordpress to create an automatic money making website does get a bit confusing with all the available options.

You can quickly become overwhelmed trying to determine which plugins to use, how to make your site look more professional, how to monetize your site, or how to configure your website profitably.

There really is something to say about having too much of a good thing!

However, once you have your business site properly set up and running, you can have a 24/7 autopilot minting press running for you.

Check This Out To Learn EXACTLY How To Configure Wordpress And To Create A Money Making Website.

Consider Marketing Using Facebook Ads


If you are just beginning your online business, and need to promote your products and services on the internet; you should consider marketing using Facebook Ads.

Facebook Ads, is Facebook's version of Google's Adwords.

It's a pay per click advertising tool, that Facebook offers to its members and is used within Facebook's website.

One nice feature of Facebook Ads, is that it allows you to target your clients according to age, gender, interests, and other general information.

Like AdWords, Facebook Ads allows you to decide how much you want to spend advertising, and set limits to your daily advertising budget.

Internet marketing is cheaper, more effective, and a lot more fun using Facebook Ads.

One thing is assured, with Facebook having well over 50 million subscribers online, you will have plenty of traffic to market your website, your products, and your services to.

Facebook is a growing social networking website, where members build themselves their own network of "friends".

Members are then able to communicate among themselves, and within each others network of friends, and share with the many different applications that are available for their use.

After you join Facebook, and become a member; complete your profile, and then start building your own network of friends.

Once you have your network targeted, start using Facebook Ads to begin marketing your products or services.

Start an advertising campaign to find out what your target market wants, or to determine what gets their attention.

Using Facebook Ads, you will easily be able to discover what gets their attention, and to adjust your marketing accordingly.

It is often very difficult to catch peoples attention on the internet.

If this is your first foray into internet marketing, then you might want to consider marketing using Facebook Ads.

If you consider marketing using Facebook Ads, your marketing will be effective, relatively simple, and definitely easy on your pocketbook.

Avoid Committing These Errors When Using Web Templates


Many people are now using web templates to create new layouts for their websites.

Using web templates is an economical way to to create a website, and save you a substantial amount of time and effort.

There are some common errors that are committed in selecting and using web templates, that you can easily avoid, before you end up with a website, that looks nothing like what you originally envisioned.

Here are some guides to avoid committing these errors when using web templates.

Never use a web template that is super popular.

When using web templates, try to pick a relatively unique theme.

If you have the same POPULAR template that can be commonly found all over the web, you risk falling into the same generic category as other websites.

When too many people are using web templates that are identical, you not only lose your uniqueness, your credibility could be diminished. People like fresh, new, ideas; not the same O, same O.

On the other hand, the point of using web templates is to save you money, time, and effort. When using web templates, you often only need to change the title, and some minor details in the template, to create a fresh new web site.

A common error that is often committed when using web templates, is to overdesign the template, to the point of it being unrecognizable.

It's OK to create a unique graphic, however, the purpose of using web templates is ease of construction, and saving time. When you overdesign your templates, you blow both benefits out of the water.

On the other hand, if you purchase a suitable template, and must make some major design changes to suit the theme of your website, then take the extra time to do it. It is, what it is.

The point is, you need to find a happy medium when using web templates.

For example; if you discover a great template that suits your tropical fish business, but the template has an image of a business office in the header; it is perfectly acceptable to replace the header image to something more suitable, such as a school of tropical fish.

Changing the header image is fine, just don't change the entire template if it's not necessary.

Sometimes people simply choose the wrong template.

Although this is a subjective call, you should try using web templates that suit your target audience.

Don't choose a template just because it has a pretty face, make sure that when you're using web templates, they suit the purpose of your website.

Learn More About Website Usability Here.

Affiliate Marketing - Your Solution To The Dismal Economy


One solution to the dismal economy, and the growing increase in the cost of living, is affiliate marketing on the Internet.

Even not withstanding the dismal economy, it's hard to make ends meet if only one member of the household is working to generate an income.

These days, a family should have two sources of income to live a respectable lifestyle.

Earning an $30 to $50 thousand income these days, almost borders on the poverty level, when you stop and consider the mouths to feed, groceries, auto expenses, house mortgage, utilities, school necessities and the like.

Many families of 3 or 4 survive from paycheck to paycheck on only one source of income. So much for trying to save any money!

Don't drown in the sea of growing expenditures. There are many ways to earn an additional income in addition to your present job.

What is your solution to the dismal economy and growing inflation?

How about affiliate marketing?

With affiliate marketing, you can bolster your income, better your lifestyle, have some extra money to spend, and spend quality time with your family.

You can relax in the comfort of your home with your computer and make money through affiliate marketing.

So, why is affiliate marketing your solution to the dismal economy?

Well, by endorsing products and services on the Internet through affiliates, you can make lots of extra cash.

Usually, affiliates are webmasters, or ezine editors, that act as sales representatives on behalf of their clients, and receive commissions for each sale made by them.

You can promote either a single, or dual tiered affiliate program.

In the single tier program, you earn money on a referral basis and can't hire sub affiliates, or JVs, to help you with your promotions. Your commission is earned as a result of your direct referral.

In the dual tiered affiliate programs, you not only earn your direct referral commission, you also receive a percentage from any JVs you recruit to help you with your promotions.

The dual tiered affiliate programs, are obviously the most favorable as your solution to the dismal economy.

Learn More About Affiliate Marketing Here.

Get Your Visitors Glued To Your Website.


Getting your visitors glued to your website, like they get glued to the "boob tube", is actually relatively easy to accomplish.

In the website business, "sticky Web sites" are sites that you want to go back to visit, again and again.

Why do your want your visitors glued to your website?

Well the more they visit your site, the more they rely on the information that you have available to them.

They trust you and whether you know it or not, you're slowly building a relationship with your visitors.

The more they visit your website, the better the relationship becomes and the greater the trust.

When visitors are "glued" to your website, they become interactive, ask questions, share information, and will buy from you.

Having this credibility with your customers, means that they will return to purchase more goods, ask more questions, share more information, become more loyal, and see more of your advertising.

This is called stickiness. The more visitors are glued to your website, the "stickier" your website becomes, and the more revenue is generated.

What I call a valuable customer's long term relationship, people in the website business call "stickiness".

Regardless of what you call it, it boils down to having a trusting long term relationship between your customers, your website and yourself.

Here are some things you can do to develop a relationship with your customers and get your visitors glued to your website.

  • Content, Content, Content, and More Content

It obvious that when you provide compelling content, people will want to come back for more. It's better to provide brand new, up to date, current information when it is available.

  • Let Your Customers Know Your Alive

In addition to compelling content, ask your visitors for feedback. Remind your customers of your presence and send them informative reminders. Never take for granted that after you contact a visitor, they will automatically return to your site.
  • Create A Newsletter

A monthly newsletter is usually appreciated when new useful information is provided.

  • Follow Up Your Sales

Good storefront businesses send follow up, or confirmation letters to their clients, to maintain their relationships. You can do the same to keep your visitors glued to your website. Follow up letters are a great way to attract additional business and to generate feedback.

  • Prompt Responses

Don't sit on your emails. Respond promptly before you damage your relationships.

  • Add A Poll Or Customer Survey To Your Site

You can learn a lot from your clients, and keep them glued to your website with polls, and surveys. People generally enjoy participating in polls and surveys because it shows them you are listening.

  • Include Resources For Your Customers

The more unique information you provide to your visitors and customers, the more they will look at your site as a resource.

This can be accelerated by providing them access to search engines on a specific database, a searchable catalog, account information or anything to view your site as "special".

When you get your visitors glued to your website, it will increase your sales, and your bottom line.

Remember to always give your customers a reason to come back to your website.

List Paid eZine Advertising Building with


When it comes to unleashing the full potential of paid eZine advertising, some Internet marketers are clueless.

A common dilemma faced by Internet Marketers, is whether or not to advertise the product or service they are promoting, directly to the eZine subscribers that they are paying advertising for.

This can be prudent, if the advertisement is compelling, and attention grabbing, however, there is no way of telling if the eZine’s subscribers practice a consistent buying habit, until you shell out some cash to find out.

Internet marketers are usually on tight budgets, and investing even a small amount of money can be risky.

Despite the risk factors, eZine advertising can be rewarding, if done properly.

Internet marketers would be smarter to use eZine advertising to just build their mailing lists.

Since some eZines display more than one sponsored advertisement, you can grab the subscriber’s attention by offering a free, or risk-free product, through your ad.

When you about it, it makes a great deal of sense.

A subscriber can click on your advertisement, to opt into your mailing list, to take advantage of a free ebook, report, newsletter, or some other free offer.

Even though you're not yet making a hard sell through your advertisement, building your list by subscribing other ezine subscribers to your ezine, allows you to follow up and make additional offers available to them at a later time.

Click Here, To Learn More About List Building.

How Expired Domain Names Can Get You Web Traffic


Acquiring traffic to a new website, is one of the greatest challenges facing any new webmaster.

Building traffic is a time consuming process, and can also cost you a lot of money, if you go the pay per click route.

This method can cost you thousands of dollars, or more, depending on the popularity of the keywords your choose.

Article marketing is a very popular and extremely effective strategy to build web traffic, but it takes a considerable amount of time to create original content and build links.

Of the many methods that are used, we seldom hear much about how expired domain names can get you web traffic.

This alternative strategy allows webmasters to acquire tons of traffic with very little time or money invested. It is simply the purchasing of expired domain names.

Of the many reasons that domain names expire; the most common is that the owner simply forgot to renew it!

It is surprising how many large companies neglect to renew their domain names because of an oversight, bureaucracy screw up, or change in ownership.

Lack of interest in the original website, lack of operating capital, and the death of the owner are also reasons that expired domain names do not get renewed.

When the renewal fees aren't paid, the expired domain still remains on the internet and functions like any other domain name.

The only difference is that it directs you to a 404 error message instead of the original website.

When an expired domain name points to a 404 message, it may or may not be worth your while to purchase it.

As it stands idle, it is simply a waste of traffic. This is why companies that register domain names now sell them either outright or through an auction.

To determine whether or not to purchase an expired domain name, you need to do at least two things.

Check Google's page rank, and the Alexa rating of the expired domain name.

Download the Google toolbar, and then type in the expired domain name's URL to find out what the page rank is.

Avoid the domain if the page rank indicator is gray. This means that Google has banned the website.

However, if the page rank is from 7 to 10, you should seriously consider buying the expired domain name.

The Alexa rating shows the amount of traffic that the domain name has acquired, if any.

If there is no Alexa rating, it indicates that the website hasn't received any significant traffic, and was not listed.

The last thing to look at is the number of websites that are linking to the expired domain name.

Put the command link followed by the expired domain name's URL into a search engine. A lot of links, indicates that the web traffic came from legitimate sources and

If an expired domain name can be purchased at a reasonable cost, it is well worth buying, to shortcut the acquisition of traffic by conventional methods.

To Learn More About Traffic Generating Methods, Click Here.

Search Engines Are Vital To Web Traffic!


If you have ever started a new business website online, you already know that search engines are vital to web traffic.

The most important thing a new webmaster can do, is focus on getting their web site listed on the top ten of the search engine results.

Search engines are vital to web traffic, and without web traffic, you have no business.

Since Google has the majority of the search engine business, over 80%, it becomes prudent to concentrate on the Google search engines to improve your web site standing.

Most webmasters focus on traffic procedures, PPC, and on ranking in several search engines to generate traffic. The higher the rank, the lower the rates.

From the very first day that you publish your website on the Internet, your focus should be on getting your site listed in the top ten search results in Google. When you can accomplish this, the other search engines will have your site listed as well.

The concern, once you have achieved your goal, is to remain in the top ten positions.

One of the best methods used to accomplish this, is search engine optimization, or SEO.

Webmasters know that it is unlikely that your website will stay in the same search position, so they try to optimize websites in the middle of the search results page.

Maintaining this location, is much easier than trying to keep in the first place position.

For new websites, staying on the top of the search engine results page can be almost impossible to do without constant SEO.

New website owners should set their sites on a single part of their website. The home, description page, or about page, is a good area to concentrate their SEO efforts.

When Google's search engine robots index your site, you should get a surge of traffic within a few days, to weeks. Then, with a little bit of effort, the flow of traffic should level off.

Organic search engine website traffic is free and once your rank is achieved, is is relatively easy to maintain with proper SEO.

To Learn More About Website Usability, Click Here.

Affiliate Marketing - Getting Started Is Easy!


Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest growing industries on the web today.

Getting started is easy, and if you are a newcomer, you need to read these basics to get a good start at success.

Your first need is a small home office environment, that is comfortable to work in.

You will be spending a great deal of time there, so make sure that your workspace is well lit, that you and your personal computer are well ventilated. Divest your work area of all distractions.

This means, get rid of the TV set! It is probably the biggest distraction you have available to you. Television will contribute to your affiliate marketing failure for obvious reasons.

You need to first acquire some basic training on affiliate marketing.

Your computer is your right arm in this business and is your best tool to learn the basics. A simple search for affiliate marketing information, will get you tons of online help.

If you got to this site, you can get some helpful information by following this blog, and it's links to other internet marketing, and affiliate marketing sites.

To acquire the basics, and get valuable tips and marketing strategies, use the link at the end of this post.

Affiliate marketing steps are quite simple,

First find a niche topic that tweaks your interest.

Make sure the subject is something that is popular with the general public and that does not have too much competition.

When you are satisfied with your niche market, look for an affiliate that sells something pertinent to that market.

For instance; an affiliate that sells custom golf bags, with a large commission structure, would be a good choice for the golf market niche.

Clickbank, is one of many sites that will help you find a suitable affiliate product and walk you through the affiliate process.

Next you need to promote the affiliate product you choose to sell.

In order to be truly successful, don't make the mistake of signing up to promote too many affiliate marketing programs.

Focus on a single, good paying program that you feel comfortable with, and that you know you can promote, and STICK WITH IT.

Set a goal and make it realistic. Don't aim for $500,000 the first year; set a realistic attainable target of $2,000 or so, which is achievable, and tick it up from there, as you gain experience and confidence.

Bear in mind, even though it is one of the easiest ways of earning additional income, affiliate marketing is serious work.

It requires a plan of action blueprint, a lot of effort, perseverance, and motivation to succeed.

If you set up and follow through with a clear plan of action,you will become successful in affiliate marketing.

For Additional Affiliate Marketing Information, Click Here.

Optimize Your Adsense Site


If you optimize your Adsense site before actually putting Adsense on your site, you already have most of your visitor problems solved.

If not, you need to keep reading.

If you've been using Google's AdSense on your web pages, you already recognize the need to generate additional website traffic, so you can reap the benifits that all AdSense publishers strive for. More HITS, that translate to a higher income.

Get back to basics when you optimize your Adsense site.

Short of using AdWords to promote your site, which we highly recommend, use some of the following SEO techinques to send more visitors to your web pages

Keep Your Page Source Code Simple.

A complex layout causes problems for AdSense and the search engines when they try to extract relevant keywords from your web site.

A complex source code, can cause the search engines to place ads on your website that are not relavent to the topic of your site. This obviously doesn't help your web traffic, or your income.

Keep Each Web Page About Only One Topic

When you are adding content to your website, make sure that you have each one of your web pages targeted to only one subject.

Your web pages will be indexed faster and more accurately. In addition, the AdSense ads that are placed on each page, will be specific and relevant to the subject of that page.

Keep Your Hyperlinks To A Minimum

Too many hyperlinks in an individual web page can also cause improper AdSense ad placement.

Make Your Title Keyword Specific

When you are targeting specific keywords in your article content, make sure that they are foremost in the title and in the first paragraph of the article. The keyword density in the article should be kept at about 2% if at all possible and the keyword should also be used in the ending paragraph or hyperlink.

Original Content Is Crucial

Always use compelling original content when writing articles on your web pages!

Duplicate content can get your website placed at the end of the line! If you can't write original content, find a ghostwriter to write some for you. The costs are very reasonable compared to the benefits you will see from well written, keyword rich, article content.

Stay away from software that "rewrites" public domain articles for republication on the Internet. These programs, regardless of how good they may seem, usually generate incomprehensible works that search engines may be attracted to, but repel human visitors.

Don't Use Too Many AdSense Ads

Try not to load up your web pages with too many AdSense ads. Your website is supposed to provide a solution, furnish helpful information, or other wise assist the visitors that do come to your site. You don't want your site to look like one big web page advertisement! Nothing turns off visitors more, than a website that looks like it's set up to take their money.

When you optimize your AdSense site properly, you and your visitors will reap the benefits!

To Get More Free Information About Google's AdSense, Click Here.

Creative Advertising Always Attracts Traffic


Creative advertising always attracts traffic to your website, and is something that has been with us for a long time!

Check out this old Sony advertisement to see how its done!

The idea behind this advertisement's success, is that the headline immediately captures your interest, and forces the reader to check out the main content of the article.

One Internet business marketing solution to sagging visitor numbers on your website, is to create "off the wall" topics that capture and HOLD the attention of your visitors.

TV commercial advertisements use this technique all the time. Just check out some super bowl commercials!

Don't forget to use these same techniques on your website.

CLICK HERE, to learn some additional creative advertising techniques.

6 Ways To Make Your Website Easy To Navigate


Making your website easy to navigate is an excellent way to keep potential customers on your site.

After clicking on your website, a visitor spends an average of about 15 seconds making the decision whether or not to remain on your website.

Making your website easy to navigate is one way to keep them put!

People are more likely to remain on your website if it is nicely laid out, and your products, services, prices, information, content and FAQs are easily found.

The longer people stay on your website, the more likely they will purchase or return. The goal is to keep people on your site as long as possible.

Here are 6 ways to make your website easy to navigate.

1 - K.I.S.S.

"Keeping it simple stupid", is a commonly used phrase that applies to website construction. Keep your site simple. Don't make people spend extra time searching for a way to find what they are looking for.

2 - Uniformity.

Keep all your web pages formatted with the same options. Keep all the options on each page formatted in the same area of the page. Keep the appearance of each web page uniform. Don't change colors or fonts from page to page and you will keep more visitors on your site longer.

3 - Organized Content.

The number one thing you need on your website is lots of good usable content. Having lots of great content is good, however, it's important to use drop down menus to properly organize your content, by topic, for easy access.

4 - Provide A "Back" Key.

Visors must be able to easily return to previous pages within your web site when they wish. As long as every page on your website has the same navigation function, you should have no problem with this.

Providing a "back" key, can be an option for visitors to return to a previous page, however, if every page has the same drop down menu, your visitors will always be able to get what they need.

5 - Provide A "Search" Area.

The easiest way to make your website easy to navigate is to provide a search function on each web page of your website. Visitors can quickly and easily search for products, services, or other topics that they need information about without the hassle of navigation.

6 - Test Your Website Appearance.

Not all web browsers will present your website in the same manner.

It's a good idea to test your website in all the popular browsers, to insure that your visitors enjoy a good viewing experience. If there are major differences in appearance, you can always change your website's structure to rectify the problem.

A bad looking website reflects on you personally and can quickly kill your business.

We believe that if you implement these 6 ways to make your website easy to navigate, your potential customers will stay longer, and improve your website's profitability.

Learn More About Increasing Your Web Traffic, HERE.

Website Usability - Easily Locating Links


One of the main functions of website usability, is the ability to place and easily locate links in your website.

Without links on your website, there is no ability to navigate, and for all practical purposes, you have a dead site.

Webmasters include links into every page of a website to cross reference articles, change topics, and basically navigate to whatever area of the site or other site they desire.

Links are vital in a website and are just as important as your content. It is not possible for visitors to your site, to connect to any other document on your website, or the internet without them.

There are basically two types of links on a website. Internal, within your website, and external to other sites on the internet.

Internal Links:

Internal links function like a book, and connect other pages of your website together. A book has pages to navigate through, and like a book your website also contains separate pages, called web pages, to navigate through.

Your website's home page, functions like a book index, where a reader can choose which "page" they want to look at by clicking on an internal link.

External Links:

An external link connects a web page from your website, to another website's web page on the internet. It functions like a connection between two different pages, in two different books.

Without external links, your website would be in a world of its own, literally. No purchases could take place, no billings would occur, no commerce or communication could exist.

Since the inception of the internet, webmasters have been using a standard of sorts to place links on web pages.

Internal links are commonly placed either in the left hand column, or at the top of the web page.

This is done because research, through the years, has determined that these areas are the first that are noticed by an internet visitor. Webmasters naturally designed their web pages to capture the attention of their audience and make their links prominent in these areas.

Occasionally the bottom of the page is used for internal links, however if you notice, they are usually not as prominent. This is done to avoid design redundancy, yet avail the webmaster an alternate, backup link.

External links are commonly found in the right hand margins or included in the content of the web page.

Many believe that the placement of external links, in the content of the web page, is done primarily for explanatory purposes, and as a reference to outside web information.

On the other hand, others believe that because our reading is performed from the left, the right side of the web page should be allocated to external website links.

In any event, easily locating links on the web page is standardized relative to these explanations.

The one exception is Google AdSense and other similar text advertisements.

These external links are usually allocated to the center and right side of the page.

Easily locating links on your website are based on these general practices, however, these are not rules set in granite for website designers.

Deviations from the norm can sometimes create an interesting surfing experience.

For Additional Information On Improving Website Usability, CLICK HERE.

Using Autoresponders For Article Dissemination


Articles are normally submitted to Ezines, other article directories, websites, and article banks, however, using autoresponders for article dissemination, has become a slowly growing trend.

Articles are one of the best ways to promote your product or service online. They include a link to your website, where you can sell the product or service that is related to the article you have written.

One of the best ways to disseminate an article, is in combination with an autoresponder.

When you combine an article that provides needed useful information, with an autoresponder to disseminate your article, you will be amazed with the results.

Unfortunately, even with the popularity of autoresponders, few online marketers think of using them in combination with articles.

This can be done by making sure each one of your articles has it's own address, and then setting up each article with your autoresponder.

It is important that you have an autoresponder that allows you to do this, some do not.

When your're sure your autoresponder allows this; make a master list of each article you have to disseminate, and put the address of the autoresponder beside the title of the article, or, you can just add the article description to you master list.

If you are a prolific writer, it can become a daunting task just to keep up with your articles, and if you had to advertise them one by one, it would take forever to get the job done.

Using autoresponders for article dissemination can save you an unbelievable amount of time. Linking one address with one article doesn't take long, and the autoresponder does the majority of the work. All you do is add the link to your website or your preset e-mail messages when you send emails.

If you haven't already done so; try using autoresponders for article dissemination and see for yourself how quickly you get your information articles out there.

Find Out More About Autoresponders, HERE.

10 Simple Tips To Guarantee Your Press Release Makes The Headlines.


Many webmasters mistakenly view a press release only as a means to advertise, and get more links to their websites.

Webmasters with this mindset, often crank out so many promotional press releases, that they eventually become ignored for distribution.

When they finally do release some actual news, the press release gets ignored. This is a classic example of crying wolf to often!

Well written press releases can dramatically increase your business exposure, grow your sales, and enhance your product's image. Well written press releases also build credibility like no other marketing method.

The lesson here, is not to over use press releases, but to use them wisely.

To get the most out of your press release; here are 10 simple tips to guarantee your press release hits the headlines.

1 - It is VERY IMPORTANT that the information you are providing is NEWSWORTHY.

Don't use your press release to just get links back to your website, or to advertise. Being short sighted like this could adversely affect your credibility.

2 - Inform the audience the information you are providing is intended for them.

Let them know specifically WHY they should read your press release.

3 - Briefly describe your news first, then identify who announced the news.

4 - How will people relate to the news in your press release?

Will your press release make a connection with your audience? Make your news; NEWS!

5 - The first few words of your press release are extremely important, and should be front loaded with keywords.

The first 6 to 10 words in your press release are the most effective in capturing the interest of your audience. Spend some time and choose them wisely!

6 - Avoid flowery language, and the excessive use of adjectives.

You are talking to the public, not a classroom.

7 - Remember to ONLY write about the FACTS!

A press release is not the place to mislead your audience. Readers can usually spot BS a mile away. Don't damage your credibility.

8 - Make sure you provide sufficient contact information:

i.e. Individual's name, address, phone, fax, email and Web site address. This creates authenticity.

9 - Don't issue a press release unless you have substantive news to report on.

The importance of newsworthiness cannot be overemphasized. Your credibility can be damaged as easily as it can be enhanced by, the substance of your press release.

10 - Go the distance and make it easy for the media to do their work.

Remember that publicity is the most cost effective marketing tool available.

For More Free Internet Marketing Solutions, CLICK HERE.

Why Bother Building A Customer Base?


Selling your product or service is much easier, when the people you are selling to, are already acquainted with you, and know who you are.

Your credibility, trustworthiness, and value to them in the marketplace, is already known by your prospects, so you are not selling to a complete stranger. In other words you are not "cold calling" to promote your product.

This is why the first thing you should do, after you set up your website, is to start building your customer base.

Your customer base, or "list", can provide you with a consistent, recurring source of income and has the capability of growing every time another visitor clicks through your website.

Every time you release a new product, or endorse an affiliate, you will have a ready made market that is willing to listen to your offer. This obviously gives you a huge edge over your competition that is trying to market their products to cold prospects.

Building you list can be accomplished in several ways.

The method that is used most often, is to build a mailing list.

There are at least a million ways to get subscribers to sign up for your list. Almost all of them require offering an incentive of some sort, and proof that you can offer something of value to them, if they sign up for your mailing list.

Setting up a niche website that is populated with useful, high quality articles, proves that you are an authority on your subject, and cements your credibility with your visitors.

When an authoritative website like this is set up, you can create a "free special report" about any subject on your niche topic, that is down-loadable when the visitor's name and email address are given.

The rich content on the website and the free report, is usually all that is needed to provide the extra incentive for your visitor to sign up for your offer.

Other incentives such as free e-books, free tutorials, or free learning courses, can also be used in lieu of a "special report", to attract visitors to sign up to your list.

Once the sign up HTML script is merged with an auto responder, your prospects will be able to sign up for your offering at any time.

As your customer base grows, your sales as well as your ability to market additional products, will also dramatically increase.

CLICK HERE, For A Free Report On Creating Big Time Commission Checks.

Viral Marketing: Using Tell A Friend Script To Drive Traffic


An easy and effective viral marketing tactic, is to use tell a friend script to drive traffic.

Tell a friend script, is programming script attached to the programming of your Website.

It is usually programmed into pages that have media content, so that the readers of the web page, can easily redirect the media content, to anyone else they think might be interested in the information.

It is a brilliant viral marketing tactic, that spreads like wildfire throughout the reader's universe of friends, relatives and business associates.

The concept behind tell a friend script, is to provide a place on the media page for the reader to input his name, e-mail address, and the e-mail address of the person they are sending the media to. The script functions somewhat like an e-mail attachment, that is being sent by someone already recognized by the recipient.

The beauty of the strategy is that, since the recipient already knows who is sending the media, it is not considered to be spam by them, and in all likelihood will be viewed, and probably passed along to someone else.

The chances of tell a friend script being blocked by the recipient, is highly unlikely, because the media is inputted by the trusted sender.

When the e-mail is opened; it will be read, played, or viewed by the recipient. The business description and Website link that sponsors the media, along with another tell a friend script embedded in the media, is opened, and the process continues

This sneaky, highly effective tactic, usually spreads throughout a wider area than other viral marketing strategies, and funnels a considerable amount of traffic into your Website.

This results in a lot of potential customers.

For More Free Viral Marketing Tactics, CLICK HERE.

Starting Your Online Business: Stay Focused


Many articles are written on starting your online business, so I'll home in on one problem that I had a difficult time overcoming; STAYING FOCUSED.

My first decision, after I decided to take the leap into starting an online business, was to come up with an idea for a web site.

Since I didn't know much about a web sites, or internet marketing; my second decision was to purchase an introductory internet marketing course, and get my feet wet in the internet marketing niche.

I then ran into the focus problem. I started getting side tracked by online offers of e-books, software programs that research keywords and market niches, several different affiliate programs, and some e-mail marketing scams.

I lost my primary focus, which was starting an online business.

My suggestion to anyone starting an online business, is to first select a niche market with a monthly Google search engine result, of 100,000 or less. You can do a Google search to manually find your niche, or get free tools from the internet, that accomplish this.

After you are comfortable with your niche, I recommend you get an easy to work with program to design your web site.

Some basic software, that can get you started, is usually furnished when you register your domain name. With a little effort and imagination, you can create a simple, effective, web site that will make you some money.

In addition, you can set up a blog, or blogs to augment your web site, or even to use in place of a website.

You can start a Wordpress blog on your own domain, and use cpanel to set it up. An alternate hosted site, such as, can be used if you adhere to their terms of service.

Blogs are indexed much faster than standard web sites, by Google, and other search engines.

Regardless of which site you choose to use, remember to stay focused on your primary goal; getting your online business up and running.

If I could start fresh tomorrow, I would STAY FOCUSED, better than I did on the first go around. I believe that instead of going from one program to another, and buying different software, e-books or memberships, you should focus and stay with one project until it becomes a success or fails.

Lastly, remember that you don't have to be perfect in everything you do.

Don't lose your focus trying for perfection; it ain't gonna happen! In any event, whatever you do, stay focused and just do it.

For more Free information on building a successful home based internet business, CLICK HERE.


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