Using Forums To Increase Web Traffic


Using forums to increase web traffic is a tried and proven strategy that when used properly works phenomenally well.

The trick here is to use forums properly.

Joining a forum to post an advertisement and then sitting back to wait for web traffic to start funneling into your website, is NOT the way to use them properly.

Spamming a forum, which is what you are essentially doing by posting your advertisement, will probably get your advertisement deleted and you banned from the site.

If you don't get banned, your reputation as a forum spammer will probably be solidified by other members of the forum. This is not how you should be using forums to increase web traffic.

When using forums, your objective should be to present yourself as an expert in your niche market to other forum members. Getting yourself banned for spamming in your niche market can be the kiss of death for you in that market.

When using forums to increase web traffic, the first thing to do is find a relevant forum that best represents your market niche.

Do a Google search and look for your keyword phrases and attach them to "forum".

When you find a forum in your niche, take some time to read the forum's rules of the road. Learn what rules are specific to forum posts and if you feel comfortable with them, join the forum.

Most forums do not allow posting of blatant advertisements. Others will allow you a signature block at the end of the post where you can point a URL to your website by giving a brief description of your site. Some forums don't even allow that.

It's up to you to read up on what is and isn’t allowed for each forum you sign up with.

The point is, if you are using forums to increase web traffic, stay away from the forums that don't allow any way to point your URL to your website.

Another thing to consider is your ability to add any useful knowledge to the forum with your posts. There's no point in joining the forum if you can't add any decent content to help out anyone else on the forum.

You should be able to provide good, relevant, useful content in your posts without blatantly selling anything.

Always select a forum that allows a signature block in your posts, so that people will be able to reach you when you finish posting your expert, relevant, wisdom laden content.

Your signature line should NOT be the primary focus of your post.

Your goal should be to help people and build credibility as an expert in the forum.

This can happen quickly because forum posts often get picked up by the search engines. Within a relatively short period of time, your answers (along with your website link) will get shown in the search engine results for your market niche.

This is why it's so important that your forum posts are relevant to your niche market.

Search engines rank relevancy highly. You could actually lose points and possibly even your ranking, if you concentrate on generating a huge number of irrelevant links to your site.

If you have an ancient coin site, make sure you join an ancient coin collecting forum to generate the appropriate website links.

Relevant one way links to your website from a forum are much more valuable to the search engines if both sites have similar content.

Using forums to increase web traffic is one of the easiest ways to funnel free targeted traffic to your website.

Learn more about growing your list using online forums here.


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