There are some pros and cons to open commenting you should consider before you allow it on your website.
The fact that readers can interact with and initiate a conversation with a blog's author, and voice their opinions on various topics, is why blogging has become so popular on the Internet.
Because commenting is such an important part of the blogging experience, many bloggers allow open commenting on their sites without any moderation whatsoever.
Although comments are what make blogging different from other forms of information sharing, you should think twice before allowing open commenting.
Many bloggers make their readers jump through hoops before allowing them to make a comment on their blog.
This is a BAD idea for several reasons. You should never make your readers register or log in to your blog before they can voice their comment, unless you're setting up a membership type blog, or a forum type of platform.
People in this world are always pressed for time and usually have little patience or tolerance for any procedure that causes the slightest inconvenience or slows them down.
Most users will simply leave your blog if they have to register or log in before they can make a comment. It's just not that important for them to leave a comment if they have to take time to sign up, register, or log in.
Many bloggers, like myself, hate to have to remember another password, or even store it so they can make post on a blog.
In addition, there are tons of passwords that get accidentally deleted or lost in the shuffle of recreating a data base, if your computer crashes, or you just lose your hard drive without a backup.
To the average person, the inconvenience is more trouble than it's worth. However, there is a happy medium you can use that's not as inconvenient; CAPTCHA!
As long as you can come up with a CAPTCHA code that is not difficult to read; you should consider using CAPTCHA to verify that comments made to your blog are not spam.
Although it is somewhat of a roadblock to easy blogging; using an easy to read CAPTCHA code
is one remedy to open commenting and the horrors of comment spamming.
If you can find an easy to read CAPTCHA code that doesn't cause the blogger to take more than one try to correctly fill in; you have the solution to open commenting that won't cost you to lose any blog comments.
I have personally tried to fill in CAPTCHA codes that took me several tries and a good deal of time to complete. I have also left several sites when I couldn't get the CAPTCHAs to cooperate. CAPTCHAs are also major roadblocks to people who are color blind.
There are pros and cons to open commenting but generally, the fewer roadblocks you put up, the more comments you will get on your blog. And, the fewer comments you get, the less successful and interactive your blog will become.
The goal is to make it as easy as humanly possible for your readers to participate on your blog and to keep the spam down.
The easier it is for them to comment; the more comments you will receive on your blog.
It's just that cut and dried!
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Blogging Information: The Pros And Cons To Open Commenting
Labels: Blogging Information, CAPTCHA, The Pros And Cons To Open Commenting, Using other bloggers as a source of email subscribers | author: AmandaPosts Relacionados:
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