The Benefits Of Using Squeeze Pages In HubPages


The benefits of using squeeze pages in HubPages and other social network sites like Squidoo, and Facebook cannot be understated.

Having a squeeze page or landing page on your HubPages will help you dramatically increase your list building capability and add to your website traffic.

Because the major search engines quickly index HubPages, you get more more Internet exposure faster than you would normally receive from a regularly updated website or blog.

The net result is more traffic to your website, landing page, or squeeze page.

When you create an account with HubPages, you can write about virtually anything you like and post ads from AdSense, Amazon and Ebay to increase your earning potential.

Hubpages essentially provides users with their own free web page.

When you provide your visitors with clear, concise, no nonsense content in your HubPages that is unique, relevant and well researched; you can expect a surge of web traffic to the links that are included in your articles.

As long as you don't over use links in the body of your articles, your content will be accepted.  If you insert too many links into your content, HubPages will give you a warning and an opportunity to delete some of them.

Too many links to the same site will flag your Hub and could have it deleted, so proceed with caution.

When using Hubpages as your Internet presence, you can apply some of the same popular marketing and link building strategies that you would normally use with conventional hosted websites.

By using strategically placed keywords and keyword phrases in your HubPages headline, subject, and throughout your article content; you will generate tons of targeted traffic to your squeeze page or website.

Using HubPages dramatically increases your presence in all the major search engines.  When you place a squeeze page on the landing page of your website, you will dramatically accelerate the building of your email list when you link to it.

Google places a great deal of importance to heavily trafficked web pages, which is precisely why HubPages are an excellent venue for your SEO efforts.

The more people that follow your web posts and articles on HubPages and the other social websites; the higher your site will get ranked by the search engines.

Using squeeze pages in HubPages, Squidoo and other social networking sites when allowed is an Internet marketing solution that will provide all the targeted traffic you will need to your website.

How To Tweak Your Adsense Earnings


If you're new to Google Adsense, you can tweak your Adsense earnings by following some of these tips.

Select one new topic per page.

When writing content for your pages, it's better to write only a few targeted phrases directed towards your topic.

The search engines will then serve more relevant advertisements that will get you a higher click through rate.

Make use of a lot of 'white space' around your advertisement.

White space makes your advertisement stand out from the rest of your page so visitors can more easily spot your ad. You can also choose what colors to use for your Adsense ads.

You can make your advertisements blend with, match exactly, or stand out from your web page to increase click throughs.

Juggle your ad placement to achieve the best results.

The vertical format that runs down the left side of the web page is recommended by most marketers to achieve the best results.

If you see your earnings dwindle, test you ad placement and try the horizontal or vertical formats for a month or so to determine which placement gives you the best results.

Use more content based web pages.

Create pages that focus on the keyword phrases of each page topic.

You can expand the theme of your website, by creating many web pages with different topics, that are all relative to the main theme of your website.

Optimize each page for the search engines to not only attract more traffic, but to make them more relevant for the displayed Adsense advertisement.

Consider using site building software

The trick to increasing your AdSense earnings is to create lots of optimized AdSense sites.

Site Build It, and other software programs on the Internet will quickly create a keyword rich website that will rank you high in Google's search engine results.

This will also produce a steady flow of highly targeted visitors to your website which will tweak your Adsense earnings.

Learn More About How To Change Google AdSense Advertisements On Your Website.

Captivate Your Visitors With Audios Videos Or Podcasts


Why not try to captivate your visitors with audios videos or podcasts? Spice up your blogs with something different for a change to keep your visitors interested in what you have to offer.

There is a term similar to search engine optimization that is sometimes used, called user enhancement optimization.

User enhancement optimization
is almost as important to your website as Search Engine Optimization, but in a different context.

Remember that content is what keeps visitors on your website; it keeps them coming back.

We all know that visitors seldom purchase a product on the first visit. Customers often visit a site 7, 8, or more times before deciding to buy a product or service.

Therefore, it's essential to keep your visitors coming back to your site after their first crucial visit.

Why not try to captivate your visitors with audios videos or podcasts to keep their interest?

Web 2.0 sites have created a user driven Internet. The success of an Internet business, or failure for that matter, is now totally determined by how users view a given website.

The phrase, "the customer is always right", has now been changed to read "the customer is in control".

People still read blog posts, but we are more aggressively focused on audio and video content than the written text on the Internet.

Television viewing is at an all time high and these days, a picture or a video, is definitely worth a thousand words.

So, in order to make your blog outstanding to your visitors; you need to captivate your visitors with audios videos or podcasts.

Surfers on the web spend more time viewing information than reading it. They visit websites to get information and prefer it delivered in an audio or video format.

These days, in order to attract visitors and keep them coming back to your site; you need to provide original unique content, search engine optimization, and user enhancement optimization.

Why not just captivate your visitors with audios videos or podcasts to achieve that goal?


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