If you optimize your Adsense site before actually putting Adsense on your site, you already have most of your visitor problems solved.
If not, you need to keep reading.
If you've been using Google's AdSense on your web pages, you already recognize the need to generate additional website traffic, so you can reap the benifits that all AdSense publishers strive for. More HITS, that translate to a higher income.
Get back to basics when you optimize your Adsense site.
Short of using AdWords to promote your site, which we highly recommend, use some of the following SEO techinques to send more visitors to your web pages
Keep Your Page Source Code Simple.
A complex layout causes problems for AdSense and the search engines when they try to extract relevant keywords from your web site.
A complex source code, can cause the search engines to place ads on your website that are not relavent to the topic of your site. This obviously doesn't help your web traffic, or your income.
Keep Each Web Page About Only One Topic
When you are adding content to your website, make sure that you have each one of your web pages targeted to only one subject.
Your web pages will be indexed faster and more accurately. In addition, the AdSense ads that are placed on each page, will be specific and relevant to the subject of that page.
Keep Your Hyperlinks To A Minimum
Too many hyperlinks in an individual web page can also cause improper AdSense ad placement.
Make Your Title Keyword Specific
When you are targeting specific keywords in your article content, make sure that they are foremost in the title and in the first paragraph of the article. The keyword density in the article should be kept at about 2% if at all possible and the keyword should also be used in the ending paragraph or hyperlink.
Original Content Is Crucial
Always use compelling original content when writing articles on your web pages!
Duplicate content can get your website placed at the end of the line! If you can't write original content, find a ghostwriter to write some for you. The costs are very reasonable compared to the benefits you will see from well written, keyword rich, article content.
Stay away from software that "rewrites" public domain articles for republication on the Internet. These programs, regardless of how good they may seem, usually generate incomprehensible works that search engines may be attracted to, but repel human visitors.
Don't Use Too Many AdSense Ads
Try not to load up your web pages with too many AdSense ads. Your website is supposed to provide a solution, furnish helpful information, or other wise assist the visitors that do come to your site. You don't want your site to look like one big web page advertisement! Nothing turns off visitors more, than a website that looks like it's set up to take their money.
When you optimize your AdSense site properly, you and your visitors will reap the benefits!
To Get More Free Information About Google's AdSense, Click Here.
Optimize Your Adsense Site
Labels: Google's AdSense, Optimize Your Adsense Site | author: AmandaCreative Advertising Always Attracts Traffic
Labels: Creative Advertising, Creative advertising attracts traffic | author: AmandaThe idea behind this advertisement's success, is that the headline immediately captures your interest, and forces the reader to check out the main content of the article.
One Internet business marketing solution to sagging visitor numbers on your website, is to create "off the wall" topics that capture and HOLD the attention of your visitors.
TV commercial advertisements use this technique all the time. Just check out some super bowl commercials!
Don't forget to use these same techniques on your website.
CLICK HERE, to learn some additional creative advertising techniques.
6 Ways To Make Your Website Easy To Navigate
Labels: K.I.S.S., Make Your Website Easy To Navigate, Provide A "Back" Key, Provide A "Search" Area | author: Amanda
Making your website easy to navigate is an excellent way to keep potential customers on your site.
After clicking on your website, a visitor spends an average of about 15 seconds making the decision whether or not to remain on your website.
Making your website easy to navigate is one way to keep them put!
People are more likely to remain on your website if it is nicely laid out, and your products, services, prices, information, content and FAQs are easily found.
The longer people stay on your website, the more likely they will purchase or return. The goal is to keep people on your site as long as possible.
Here are 6 ways to make your website easy to navigate.
1 - K.I.S.S.
"Keeping it simple stupid", is a commonly used phrase that applies to website construction. Keep your site simple. Don't make people spend extra time searching for a way to find what they are looking for.
2 - Uniformity.
Keep all your web pages formatted with the same options. Keep all the options on each page formatted in the same area of the page. Keep the appearance of each web page uniform. Don't change colors or fonts from page to page and you will keep more visitors on your site longer.
3 - Organized Content.
The number one thing you need on your website is lots of good usable content. Having lots of great content is good, however, it's important to use drop down menus to properly organize your content, by topic, for easy access.
4 - Provide A "Back" Key.
Visors must be able to easily return to previous pages within your web site when they wish. As long as every page on your website has the same navigation function, you should have no problem with this.
Providing a "back" key, can be an option for visitors to return to a previous page, however, if every page has the same drop down menu, your visitors will always be able to get what they need.
5 - Provide A "Search" Area.
The easiest way to make your website easy to navigate is to provide a search function on each web page of your website. Visitors can quickly and easily search for products, services, or other topics that they need information about without the hassle of navigation.
6 - Test Your Website Appearance.
Not all web browsers will present your website in the same manner.
It's a good idea to test your website in all the popular browsers, to insure that your visitors enjoy a good viewing experience. If there are major differences in appearance, you can always change your website's structure to rectify the problem.
A bad looking website reflects on you personally and can quickly kill your business.
We believe that if you implement these 6 ways to make your website easy to navigate, your potential customers will stay longer, and improve your website's profitability.
Learn More About Increasing Your Web Traffic, HERE.
Website Usability - Easily Locating Links
Labels: Easily Locating Links, Website Usability, Website Usability - Easily Locating Links | author: Amanda
One of the main functions of website usability, is the ability to place and easily locate links in your website.
Without links on your website, there is no ability to navigate, and for all practical purposes, you have a dead site.
Webmasters include links into every page of a website to cross reference articles, change topics, and basically navigate to whatever area of the site or other site they desire.
Links are vital in a website and are just as important as your content. It is not possible for visitors to your site, to connect to any other document on your website, or the internet without them.
There are basically two types of links on a website. Internal, within your website, and external to other sites on the internet.
Internal Links:
Internal links function like a book, and connect other pages of your website together. A book has pages to navigate through, and like a book your website also contains separate pages, called web pages, to navigate through.
Your website's home page, functions like a book index, where a reader can choose which "page" they want to look at by clicking on an internal link.
External Links:
An external link connects a web page from your website, to another website's web page on the internet. It functions like a connection between two different pages, in two different books.
Without external links, your website would be in a world of its own, literally. No purchases could take place, no billings would occur, no commerce or communication could exist.
Since the inception of the internet, webmasters have been using a standard of sorts to place links on web pages.
Internal links are commonly placed either in the left hand column, or at the top of the web page.
This is done because research, through the years, has determined that these areas are the first that are noticed by an internet visitor. Webmasters naturally designed their web pages to capture the attention of their audience and make their links prominent in these areas.
Occasionally the bottom of the page is used for internal links, however if you notice, they are usually not as prominent. This is done to avoid design redundancy, yet avail the webmaster an alternate, backup link.
External links are commonly found in the right hand margins or included in the content of the web page.
Many believe that the placement of external links, in the content of the web page, is done primarily for explanatory purposes, and as a reference to outside web information.
On the other hand, others believe that because our reading is performed from the left, the right side of the web page should be allocated to external website links.
In any event, easily locating links on the web page is standardized relative to these explanations.
The one exception is Google AdSense and other similar text advertisements.
These external links are usually allocated to the center and right side of the page.
Easily locating links on your website are based on these general practices, however, these are not rules set in granite for website designers.
Deviations from the norm can sometimes create an interesting surfing experience.
For Additional Information On Improving Website Usability, CLICK HERE.
Using Autoresponders For Article Dissemination
Labels: One of the best ways to disseminate an article, Using Autoresponders, Using Autoresponders For Article Dissemination | author: AmandaArticles are normally submitted to Ezines, other article directories, websites, and article banks, however, using autoresponders for article dissemination, has become a slowly growing trend.
Articles are one of the best ways to promote your product or service online. They include a link to your website, where you can sell the product or service that is related to the article you have written.
One of the best ways to disseminate an article, is in combination with an autoresponder.
When you combine an article that provides needed useful information, with an autoresponder to disseminate your article, you will be amazed with the results.
Unfortunately, even with the popularity of autoresponders, few online marketers think of using them in combination with articles.
This can be done by making sure each one of your articles has it's own address, and then setting up each article with your autoresponder.
It is important that you have an autoresponder that allows you to do this, some do not.
When your're sure your autoresponder allows this; make a master list of each article you have to disseminate, and put the address of the autoresponder beside the title of the article, or, you can just add the article description to you master list.
If you are a prolific writer, it can become a daunting task just to keep up with your articles, and if you had to advertise them one by one, it would take forever to get the job done.
Using autoresponders for article dissemination can save you an unbelievable amount of time. Linking one address with one article doesn't take long, and the autoresponder does the majority of the work. All you do is add the link to your website or your preset e-mail messages when you send emails.
If you haven't already done so; try using autoresponders for article dissemination and see for yourself how quickly you get your information articles out there.
Find Out More About Autoresponders, HERE.
10 Simple Tips To Guarantee Your Press Release Makes The Headlines.
Labels: 10 Simple Tips To Guarantee Your Press Release Makes The Headlines., press release, publicity is the most cost efective marketing tool available | author: AmandaMany webmasters mistakenly view a press release only as a means to advertise, and get more links to their websites.
Webmasters with this mindset, often crank out so many promotional press releases, that they eventually become ignored for distribution.
When they finally do release some actual news, the press release gets ignored. This is a classic example of crying wolf to often!
Well written press releases can dramatically increase your business exposure, grow your sales, and enhance your product's image. Well written press releases also build credibility like no other marketing method.
The lesson here, is not to over use press releases, but to use them wisely.
To get the most out of your press release; here are 10 simple tips to guarantee your press release hits the headlines.
1 - It is VERY IMPORTANT that the information you are providing is NEWSWORTHY.
Don't use your press release to just get links back to your website, or to advertise. Being short sighted like this could adversely affect your credibility.
2 - Inform the audience the information you are providing is intended for them.
Let them know specifically WHY they should read your press release.
3 - Briefly describe your news first, then identify who announced the news.
4 - How will people relate to the news in your press release?
Will your press release make a connection with your audience? Make your news; NEWS!
5 - The first few words of your press release are extremely important, and should be front loaded with keywords.
The first 6 to 10 words in your press release are the most effective in capturing the interest of your audience. Spend some time and choose them wisely!
6 - Avoid flowery language, and the excessive use of adjectives.
You are talking to the public, not a classroom.
7 - Remember to ONLY write about the FACTS!
A press release is not the place to mislead your audience. Readers can usually spot BS a mile away. Don't damage your credibility.
8 - Make sure you provide sufficient contact information:
i.e. Individual's name, address, phone, fax, email and Web site address. This creates authenticity.
9 - Don't issue a press release unless you have substantive news to report on.
The importance of newsworthiness cannot be overemphasized. Your credibility can be damaged as easily as it can be enhanced by, the substance of your press release.
10 - Go the distance and make it easy for the media to do their work.
Remember that publicity is the most cost effective marketing tool available.
For More Free Internet Marketing Solutions, CLICK HERE.